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Malvern Springs

2004 Condominium

CondosD15 ≫ Malvern Springs

Condo Info

Address , Singapore 424555
District D15
Developer OUB Centre Limited
Tenure Freehold
TOP 2004
Number of Units 75
Highest floor 5
Area (sqm) 91 - 263
Transactions RentalSaleProfitability

Rental Analysis

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 9 $4,200 $6,200 $5,067 $4.20 -
3 3 $7,000 $9,500 $8,000 $4.69 -
Rental Rate: 24%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 23 $3,100 $6,500 $4,776 $3.97 2.66%
3 26 $4,100 $9,500 $7,000 $4.01 4.86%
Rental Rate: 25.29%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 94 $2,900 $6,500 $3,849 $3.49 2.95%
3 88 $3,600 $9,500 $5,246 $3.41 3.75%
Rental Rate: 25.1%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 120 $2,800 $6,500 $3,850 $3.59 4.51%
3 106 $3,600 $9,500 $5,213 $3.50 6.36%
NA 156 $1,400 $8,000 $2,908 $2.63 -
Rental Rate: 25.57%

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Sale & Profitability Analysis

No sale transaction

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 2 $1.690m $1.820m $1.755m $1,792
3 2 $2.000m $2.789m $2.394m $991
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 2 $460k $580k $520k 7.93 4.96%
3 2 $1,242k $1,609k $1,426k 18.57 5.09%
Resale Rate: 4.41%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 10 $1.240m $1.820m $1.433m $1,420
3 12 $1.638m $2.789m $1.978m $1,092
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 10 $65k $755k $318k 8.26 3.03%
3 12 $168k $1,609k $691k 11.16 3.97%
Resale Rate: 3.82%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 39 $0.616m $1.820m $0.980m $953
3 108 $0.655m $2.789m $1.149m $661
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 21 -$31k $755k $365k 8.05 4.45%
3 52 -$119k $1,609k $421k 6.62 6.07%
Resale Rate: 5.07%

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