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Seasons View

2000 💰💰💰💰 Condominium

CondosD20 ≫ Seasons View

Condo Info

Address 5 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore 576149
District D20
Developer Orchard Parade Holdings Ltd
Tenure 99y leasehold from 6 Sep 1996
TOP 2000
Number of Units 188
Highest floor 20
Area (sqm) 90 - 255
Transactions RentalSaleProfitability

Rental Analysis

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 6 $3,500 $3,750 $3,667 $3.86 3.06%
3 14 $3,700 $4,700 $4,279 $3.72 2.92%
Rental Rate: 15.96%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 25 $2,500 $4,300 $3,566 $3.75 3.34%
3 48 $3,000 $5,400 $4,052 $3.52 2.97%
Rental Rate: 14.56%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 85 $2,100 $4,300 $2,863 $3.01 3.23%
3 190 $1,600 $5,400 $3,284 $2.86 3.03%
4 2 $4,700 $4,900 $4,800 $1.82 2.3%
Rental Rate: 15.11%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 110 $2,100 $4,300 $2,925 $3.08 4.42%
3 241 $1,600 $5,400 $3,337 $2.90 4.52%
4 2 $4,700 $4,900 $4,800 $1.82 3.49%
NA 266 $1,200 $4,000 $2,264 $2.09 -
Rental Rate: 13.67%

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Sale & Profitability Analysis

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 2 $1.460m $1.470m $1.465m $1,512
3 5 $1.683m $1.830m $1.747m $1,528
4 1 $3.010m $3.010m $3.010m $1,097
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 1 $490k $490k $490k 6.27 6.68%
3 5 $570k $1,018k $757k 13.9 4.71%
4 1 $610k $610k $610k 8.17 2.81%
Resale Rate: 5.42%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 6 $1.130m $1.470m $1.305m $1,347
3 10 $1.420m $1.830m $1.628m $1,426
4 2 $2.700m $3.010m $2.855m $1,040
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 4 $150k $490k $382k 12.06 3.72%
3 10 $345k $1,094k $735k 14.16 4.66%
4 2 $610k $1,200k $905k 11.61 3.4%
Resale Rate: 3.75%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 19 $0.900m $1.470m $1.086m $1,121
3 53 $0.960m $1.830m $1.292m $1,131
4 5 $1.220m $3.010m $2.420m $949
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 14 -$108k $490k $263k 10.96 2.56%
3 43 -$154k $1,094k $456k 11.91 3.76%
4 5 $26k $1,520k $841k 13.67 3.37%
Resale Rate: 4.19%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 64 $0.405m $1.470m $0.810m $836
3 259 $0.440m $1.830m $0.880m $771
4 18 $0.880m $3.010m $1.576m $625
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 27 -$108k $527k $237k 7.93 6.43%
3 118 -$325k $1,094k $267k 8.57 4.59%
4 10 -$218k $1,520k $442k 8.74 1.47%
Resale Rate: 5.4%

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