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Mackenzie 138

2006 💰💰 Apartment

CondosD9 ≫ Mackenzie 138

Condo Info

Address 138 MacKenzie Road, Singapore 228719
District D9
Developer Macly Capital Pte Ltd
Tenure Freehold
TOP 2006
Number of Units 35
Highest floor 7
Area (sqm) 38 - 82
Transactions RentalSaleProfitability

Rental Analysis

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 9 $3,000 $3,600 $3,267 $6.51 -
2 7 $3,200 $3,900 $3,621 $4.50 3.46%
Rental Rate: 60.95%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 32 $2,150 $4,000 $3,053 $6.15 4.49%
2 17 $3,000 $4,500 $3,509 $4.38 3.56%
Rental Rate: 50.91%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 111 $1,600 $4,000 $2,390 $4.97 3.66%
2 63 $2,300 $4,500 $2,942 $3.76 3.05%
Rental Rate: 50.99%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 141 $1,600 $4,000 $2,461 $5.14 5.65%
2 82 $2,300 $4,500 $3,037 $3.91 4.95%
NA 84 $1,850 $4,700 $2,667 $4.59 -
Rental Rate: 48.28%

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Sale & Profitability Analysis

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 1 $1.310m $1.310m $1.310m $1,560
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 1 $472k $472k $472k 14.4 3.15%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
1 3 $0.730m $0.810m $0.765m $1,642
2 2 $1.229m $1.310m $1.269m $1,476
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
1 2 $70k $75k $72k 8.82 1.2%
2 2 $472k $479k $475k 14.69 3.25%
Resale Rate: 7.48%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
1 6 $0.718m $0.810m $0.746m $1,632
2 3 $1.200m $1.310m $1.246m $1,480
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
1 4 $70k $285k $145k 8.71 2.67%
2 3 -$69k $479k $294k 12.18 1.91%
Resale Rate: 3.68%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
1 35 $0.316m $0.810m $0.504m $1,090
2 41 $0.425m $1.325m $0.735m $949
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
1 19 $20k $285k $124k 3.8 12.54%
2 24 -$69k $710k $236k 4.31 8.44%
Resale Rate: 6.58%

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