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Gallop Green Profitability

All sale transactions profit (or loss)

CondosD10Gallop Green ≫ Profitability

Number of profitable 7
Number of unprofitable 5
Highest Profit $3,329,400
Longest Held 14.2 years
Highest Annualized 3.98%
  Date Profit Years Held Annualized Unit Area (sqft) PSF Price
12 27 Sep 2023 $3,329k 14.2 3.97% #03-21 3,229 $2,431 $7.850m
11 14 Jul 2023 $3,036k 14 3.98% #02-17 2,992 $2,414 $7.225m
10 12 Sep 2022 $1,545k 11.5 1.6% #01-12 4,402 $2,101 $9.250m
9 27 May 2021 $485k 8.3 0.81% #03-14 3,563 $2,116 $7.540m
8 29 Oct 2020 $493k 10.9 0.68% #01-23 3,907 $1,766 $6.900m
7 21 Sep 2020 $310k 8.7 0.52% #02-14 3,563 $1,965 $7.000m
6 20 Nov 2019 -$225k 7.3 -0.56% #03-16 2,992 $1,805 $5.400m
5 5 Nov 2019 -$662k 6.5 -1.28% #01-10 4,187 $1,822 $7.630m
4 18 Oct 2018 $379k 8.9 0.76% #02-22 3,218 $1,818 $5.850m
3 26 Sep 2017 -$777k 4.8 -2.38% #01-22 3,574 $1,763 $6.300m
2 31 Aug 2016 -$632k 5.1 -1.99% #01-19 3,509 $1,670 $5.860m
1 14 Dec 2015 -$449k 4.1 -1.99% #04-17 2,992 $1,750 $5.236m