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Emily Residence

2006 Apartment

CondosD9 ≫ Emily Residence

Condo Info

Address 3 Mount Emily Road, Singapore 228485
District D9
Developer M.E. Holdings Pte Ltd
Tenure Freehold
TOP 2006
Number of Units 38
Highest floor 8
Area (sqm) 50 - 151
Transactions RentalSaleProfitability

Rental Analysis

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 16 $3,300 $4,000 $3,659 $6.01 -
2 2 $3,700 $4,100 $3,900 $4.62 -
Rental Rate: 63.16%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 46 $2,800 $5,100 $3,640 $5.57 4.1%
2 6 $3,250 $5,500 $4,425 $4.60 3.81%
Rental Rate: 49.76%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 181 $2,350 $5,100 $3,044 $5.11 3.93%
2 29 $3,000 $5,500 $3,893 $4.24 3.5%
Rental Rate: 57.17%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
1 227 $2,350 $5,100 $3,126 $5.39 5.83%
2 37 $3,000 $5,500 $3,962 $4.44 4.69%
NA 72 $1,900 $6,000 $3,302 $5.60 -
Rental Rate: 50.05%

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Sale & Profitability Analysis

No sale transaction

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
1 3 $0.930m $1.100m $1.028m $1,630
2 1 $1.370m $1.370m $1.370m $1,446
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
1 3 $30k $212k $106k 9.47 1.09%
2 1 $240k $240k $240k 3.98 4.95%
Resale Rate: 15.66%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
1 9 $0.860m $1.100m $0.974m $1,558
2 6 $1.130m $1.850m $1.482m $1,454
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
1 9 -$35k $477k $255k 11.75 2.65%
2 6 $0k $459k $157k 7.55 1.88%
Resale Rate: 7.65%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
1 52 $0.398m $1.100m $0.701m $1,110
2 28 $0.585m $1.850m $1.087m $1,135
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
1 28 -$92k $490k $242k 6.1 6%
2 18 -$77k $673k $235k 4.46 3.36%
Resale Rate: 6.52%

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