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City Plaza

1972 Apartment

CondosD14 ≫ City Plaza

Condo Info

Address 810 Geylang Road, Singapore 409286
District D14
Developer Hong Leong Group
Tenure Freehold
TOP 1972
Number of Units 516
Highest floor 18
Area (sqm) 85 - 150
Transactions RentalSaleProfitability

Rental Analysis

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 13 $2,988 $4,680 $3,792 $4.13 -
3 2 $4,000 $4,300 $4,150 $2.52 -
Rental Rate: 4.36%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 46 $1,650 $5,100 $3,559 $3.83 3%
3 5 $3,200 $6,370 $4,374 $2.65 -
Rental Rate: 3.71%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 163 $1,000 $5,100 $2,650 $2.93 3.01%
3 25 $1,800 $6,370 $3,455 $2.13 3.25%
Rental Rate: 3.77%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average PSF Yield
2 210 $1,000 $5,100 $2,629 $2.95 5.15%
3 34 $1,800 $6,370 $3,533 $2.18 3.95%
NA 188 $800 $4,000 $1,604 $1.72 -
Rental Rate: 3.38%

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Sale & Profitability Analysis

No sale transaction

Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 1 $1.400m $1.400m $1.400m $1,530
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 1 $510k $510k $510k 11.27 4.1%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 4 $0.938m $1.400m $1.068m $1,168
3 1 $1.270m $1.270m $1.270m $787
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 3 $32k $510k $260k 8.36 2.67%
3 1 $190k $190k $190k 5.64 2.91%
Resale Rate: 0.12%
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Price PSF
2 63 $0.310m $1.400m $0.628m $687
3 20 $0.630m $1.638m $1.070m $663
Bedrooms Volume Low High Average Profit Years Held Annualized
2 36 -$293k $537k $174k 5.08 12.94%
3 7 $190k $938k $560k 6.29 9.16%
Resale Rate: 0.56%

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